Development of a Premium Limited Drama Series Based on the Life Of Wernher Von Braun
“Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War” - the controversial story of the father of America’s space program is being adapted for televisio...
Highway Thru Hell
Tuesday's on Discovery: 7PST/10EST The stakes are high – lives, the economy and thousands of jobs depend on the highways staying open. Synopsis When...
Worst to First
Now on HGTV. Synopsis Thunderbird’s Great Pacific Media is pleased to be launching its new unscripted lifestyle series Worst to First on HGTV, ai...
Now on Discover Canada. Big risk, bigger stakes and the biggest egos. And that’s before they get to the show. Synopsis Airshow is a never before to...
Save My Reno
Now on HGTV. Synopsis In the upbeat new series $ave My Reno, produced by Great Pacific Television, cash-conscious homeowners finally catch a break...
Heavy Rescue 401
Synopsis Spanning the Greater Toronto Area and southern Ontario, Heavy Rescue: 401 follows multiple major tow operators, rescue, and maintenance cre...
Game of Homes
Now on W Network. Synopsis In Game of Homes, a host guides teams as they compete for the ultimate prize. The teams save rundown houses that are mark...