Jessica Gelt/ Los Angeles Times
The wait is over for “Blade Runner 2049” cinematographer Roger Deakins, who finally won an Oscar after 14 nominations that go back to 1994’s “The Shawshank Redemption.”
Deakins was unfazed in the press room when a reporter mentioned that he began his career in the era of film stock.
“On the way here, I was just reminded that one of the early films I did was ‘Sid and Nancy’ with Gary Oldman,” he said. “So amazing to be with Gary in the same space. I don’t know, what can I say?”
Deakins also addressed the challenges of creating a sequel to Ridley Scott’s original 1982 neo-noir sci-fi classic.
“It’s all a part of your film memory, but this was very much Denis’ film,” Deakins said, a reference to director Denis Villeneuve. “But when you’re aware of what’s come before, I think what [“Blade Runner” cinematographer] Jordan [Cronenweth] did on that film was stunning, but I’m a different person.”
He also said that after so many years of coming close but not winning the prize, he developed a sense of hesitation.
“A big part of me was saying, ‘please, please, no,’” he said of the prospect of taking the statue. “But it’s great because I’ve worked with a lot of the same people on my crew for years and years, and I feel it’s recognition for their work — I really do — and I know they’re watching in New York and London and Budapest, and I wish I could thank each and every one of them.”